Timber Stakeholders In Germany


Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Alue Dohong, led a working visit to Germany to promote the Timber Legality Verification System and Sustainability (SVLK) as part of efforts to combat illegal logging and support sustainable forest management.

In a meeting held at The Westin Grand Hotel in Berlin, Germany, on Monday, October 16, 2023, Deputy Minister Alue Dohong addressed the German wood trade association (GD Holz), the Import Promotion Desk (IPD), and the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Verbraucherzentrale) of the Federal Government of Germany in an innovative lunch meeting discussion.

The event, organized jointly by the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), began with a keynote speech by the Indonesian Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, Havas Oegroseno. This was followed by a presentation by Deputy Minister Alue Dohong on the journey of the Forest Law-Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and an explanation of the implementation of the Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) in Indonesia, known as the Timber Legality Verification System and Sustainability (SVLK), by Agus Justianto, Acting Director General of Sustainable Forest Management (PHL) at KLHK.

Wood: Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry Promotes SVLK
Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry Promotes SVLK

“Forest Law-Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT), developed in the form of the Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) known in Indonesia as the Timber Legality Verification System and Sustainability (SVLK), is a vital tool used by the Indonesian Government and various stakeholders to monitor and ensure the legality of wood from Indonesia for international trade,” said Deputy Minister Alue Dohong.

He emphasized the importance of SVLK in addressing issues related to illegal logging, deforestation, and promoting legal wood from Indonesia. “The Timber Legality Verification System and Sustainability (SVLK) was established as one of the government’s efforts to combat illegal logging, deforestation, degradation, and also as a means to promote legal wood from Indonesia,” he stated.

Furthermore, Deputy Minister Alue Dohong highlighted that through the implementation of SVLK, Indonesia has significantly reduced illegal logging since 2009, resulting in a more than 75% reduction in deforestation in the last three years, which is an outstanding achievement reflecting the positive impact of SVLK.

Even in the midst of the pandemic, the Indonesian wood industry has continued to thrive and grow, with the export of forestry industry products reaching approximately USD 14 billion in 2022, including a contribution of USD 1.25 billion from the European Union.

“In the future, Indonesia hopes to collaborate with consumer countries in promoting positive changes in the forestry sector and leveraging evolving global market standards,” added Deputy Minister Alue Dohong.

During the SVLK campaign in Germany, Deputy Minister Alue Dohong also introduced changes in SVLK in Indonesia, transitioning from the Timber Legality Verification System to the Timber Legality Verification System and Sustainability. The new SVLK logo, with its dual significance of legality and sustainability, reflects Indonesia’s commitment to integrating sustainability aspects into the wood industry. Importers of wood in Germany welcomed this paradigm shift and hope that the legal and sustainable commitment of SVLK will be better understood among importers.

In the same context, Agus Justianto, Acting Director General of Sustainable Forest Management at KLHK, explained that the implementation of SVLK has proven to reduce illegal logging and deforestation, while also boosting the export value of wood products to Germany by reaching USD 90 million in 2023. The success of SVLK is driven by data verification and certification involving various sustainability aspects, as well as monitoring by Independent Assessment and Verification Institutions (LPVI) and civil society organizations (CSOs) within the transparent SVLK system.

During the discussion, wood importers in Germany paid special attention to wood products originating from lightwood, such as sengon and mahogany, which are increasingly used in furniture and plywood production.

In response, Acting Director General of Sustainable Forest Management, Agus Justianto, explained that lightwood species are generally grown outside forest areas, known as community forest plantations, and are guaranteed to be free from illegal logging practices. Besides the use of lightwood, monitoring efforts, including the use of geo-tagging technology, are applied during wood transportation to ensure its legality and maintain the integrity of these woods as legal and sustainable wood products.

During the question and answer session, wood importers in Germany welcomed these measures and acknowledged the growing recognition of SVLK among importers. They expressed hope that Indonesian forestry products will continue to thrive and have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy while supporting forest conservation and environmental sustainability.

The use of products made from lightwood sourced from communities such as sengon or mahogany is believed to have significant potential in the international market, and with the assurance of legality and sustainability provided by SVLK, these products are expected to be increasingly sought after by consumers in Germany and other countries.



Deputy Minister Alue Dohong and Acting Director General Agus Justianto conveyed complementary messages that SVLK-certified wood products are guaranteed for legality and sustainability. (*)

Jakarta, KLHK, October 17, 2023

News contact person: Head of Public Relations Bureau, KLHK Nunu Anugrah

Website: www.menlhk.go.id www.ppid.menlhk.go.id

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Source : https://www.menlhk.go.id/news/wamen-lhk-promosikan-svlk-kepada-para-pelaku-usaha-di-jerman/